Debug Arduino

The embedded tools company
TRACE32 and Arduino
Get the Debug Software
Request a GDB Debug License for Arduino


TRACE32 and Arduino

With TRACE32 you can debug the applications running on your Arduino Pro Portenta H7, Nicla Vision, or Arduino Nano 33 BLE board via the GDB protocol.
All you need is your Arduino board, a USB cable, some free TRACE32 software, and a free license, which you can request on this page.

Alternatively you can do a lot more with µTrace or one of our other professional debug tools, like debugging the complete software stack on your Portenta H7 or trace program execution in real-time.


Get the Debug Software

To debug your Portenta H7 or Nano 33 BLE download the software package "Debugger for GDB target (Arduino Pro)" from here.

Please note:

  • For SYStem.CPU PORTENTAH7-CM7 you require TRACE32 build 127460 (or higher).
  • For SYStem.CPU NANO33BLE you require TRACE32 build 143546 (or higher).
  • For SYStem.CPU NICLAVISION-CM7 you require TRACE32 build 161007 (or higher).

Request a GDB Debug License for Arduino

To debug your Portenta H7 or Nano 33 BLE with TRACE32 via GDB you require a free license.

Please fill out the following form and click on "Email me the license key." (All fields are mandatory.)
You will receive your license code by email.

A-F | a-f | 0-9

A-Z | a-z | . | - | 0-9 | &


A-Z | a-z | . | -

A-Z | a-z | . | -

Please enter the 7 characters from the yellow round image (labeled "Captcha Clock") in clockwise order beginning from the marker "START". (Letters are not case sensitive.)
This is to ensure that you are human.




Get the tutorial about using the free version of TRACE32 from the Arduino website: Portenta H7: Nano 33 BLE / Nano 33 BLE Sense: Nicla Vision:

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The information presented is intended to give overview information only.
Changes and technical enhancements or modifications can be made without notice. Report Errors
Last generated/modified: 04-Nov-2024