Request for RMA Code/Shipment Reference

The embedded tools company

Before you ship hardware to Lauterbach GmbH or one of its partners (representative - except USA, Canada and Mexico) for:
  • Repair (please contact our support to find out whether your product actually has a hardware defect)
  • Return of demo parts
  • Return of exchange parts
  • Test and support

fill in the online form below and request a RMA code/shipment reference. This will help us to process incoming goods quickly and accurately.

In the USA, Canada and Mexico: Please contact your local support and send the filled out USA-RMA PDF form:

EMAIL Address :


Registered customers do not need to fill-in this contact data, your EMAIL address is sufficient.

Company / Organisation:
Title :
Mr.   Ms.         
First Name :
Surname :
Street :
P.O.Box :
City :
State :
ZIP Code :
Country :
Phone :
Mobile :
Fax :

Destination of Shipment :
VAT ID (European Companies) :
Reason of Shipment :

If we have any further technical questions, whom should we contact?
Technical Contact :
Technical Phone Contact :
Technical EMAIL Contact :

Who is your contact person at Lauterbach GmbH ?
Lauterbach EMAIL Contact :
e.g. <first_name>.<surname>

Please enter the serial numbers for all parts you plan to ship.
Serial Numbers :

Please enter all details that might be helpful to process your case.
Description :

Security Code :   Please repeat security code here

Privacy Policy :   I accept the Privacy Policy found here

Request :
You will receive an immediate reply containing your RMA code/shipment reference and an email with an attached shipment form.
Same as above, additionally files relevant for the support can be attached.

Copyright © 2024 Lauterbach GmbH, Altlaufstr.40, 85635 Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn, Germany   Impressum     Privacy Policy
The information presented is intended to give overview information only.
Changes and technical enhancements or modifications can be made without notice. Report Errors
Last generated/modified: 22-Jul-2024