OS-aware Debugging

The embedded tools company
Supported Kernels

OS-aware Debugging
Real-time, non-intrusive display of RTOS system resources
Task stack coverage
Task related breakpoints
Task context display
SMP support
Task related performance measurement
Statistic evaluation and graphic display of task run times
Task related evaluation of function run times
PRACTICE functions for OS data
Easy access via RTOS specific pull-down menus
Support for all major RTOSes
Support for
 AdaWorld ARTK, AMX, Android, ARTX-166, ChibiOS, ChorusOS, CMX-RTX, CMX-TINY, DEOS, DSP/BIOS, ECOS, Elektrobit tresos, embOS, ERCOSEK, Erika, FAMOS, FreeRTOS, HI7000, HIOS, Linux, LynxOS, MicroC/OS-II, MQX, MTOS-UX, NetBSD, NORTi, Nucleus, Nucleus PLUS, OS-9, OS21, osCAN, OSE Basic, OSE Classic, OSE Delta, OSE Epsilon, OSEck, OSEK, OSEKturbo, PikeOS, prKERNEL, ProOSEK, pSOS+, PXROS, PXROS-HR, QNX, QuRT, rcX, RealTime Craft, RTEMS, RTOS/7700, RTX-ARM, RTX166/-tiny, RTX51/-tiny, RTXC 3.2, RTXC Quadros, Rubus OS, RX4000, Sciopta, SDT-Cmicro, SMX, Symbian OS, SYS/BIOS, T-Kernel, ThreadX, uC/OS-II, uC/OS-III, uC3/Compact, uC3/Standard, uCLinux, uITRON, VDK, VRTX32, VRTX80, VRTXmc, VRTXsa, VxWorks, Windows CE, Windows Embedded Compact, Windows Embedded Compact 2013, Windows Embedded Compact 7, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Standard, XOS
The TRACE32 RTOS Debugger is an adaptive debugger, which allows debugging on target systems using real-time kernels. The debugger is fully integrated in the user interface. It allows the display of kernel resources, task selective debugging and many sophisticated real time analysis functions. The analysis functions include symbolic system call trace and detailed performance analysis functions.

The configuration to different RTOSes is controlled by a dynamically loaded extension. By changing this extension, the user may adapt the debugger to nearly any RTOS. Standard configurations are available for the most used kernels. The extension can also be used to define user specific windows for any kind of special data structures. The supported features vary between different kernels. Not all features are supported for all processors and kernels.


Supported Kernels

Supports many kernels

  • Standard adaptions for many operation systems
  • More standard kernels in preparation
  • Can be adapted to any kernel

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Display of Kernel Resources

  • Tasks
  • Queues/Semaphores
  • Memory usage
  • Mailboxes
  • Display 'on the fly'

Detailed Resources

  • Selection by name or ID
  • Queue contents
  • Memory blocks
  • Task queues

Task CPU Usage

  • Time spent in a task
  • Number of switches to a task
  • Average running time
  • Ratio of CPU time used by task
  • Maximum time a task is interrupted by other tasks

Task Activity Timechart

  • Shows running tasks
  • Tracking to other analyzer windows

Function Nesting Display

  • Graphical function nesting
  • Display task switches
  • Can be combined with any other analyzer displays

Detailed Function Performance Analysis

  • Time spent in function
  • Minium/maximum time
  • Average time
  • Time spent in subroutines
  • Time function was interrupted by an other task
  • Number of calls
  • Ratio of CPU time

Function Call Tree Analysis

  • Shows function call hierarchy
  • Time spent in subroutines

Function Timechart

  • Shows programflow through functions
  • Determine where time was spent on critical program paths

Task State Analysis

  • States: undefined, ready, running, suspended, waiting
  • Total time of state
  • Maximum time
  • Average time
  • Number of occurences
  • Ratio of CPU time
  • Configurable display

Task State Timechart

  • States: undefined, ready, running, waiting, suspended
  • Uncovers priorisation problems
  • Time spent in critical paths of the program

System Call Trace

  • System call with parameters
  • Originating task
  • Time for system call

Virtual Terminals

  • Communication to application without stopping CPU
  • High-speed terminal emulation
  • Control of target resident debugging tools

Manual System Calls

  • Send messages
  • Set event flags
  • Simulate special target conditions

Graphical Diagrams

  • CPU load used
  • CPU load used by one task
  • System calls, task switches or events per second

Flexible Time Charts

  • Shows any event graphically
  • Relation of external events to kernel activities
  • Display of response time

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Last generated/modified: 28-Jun-2024