Each TRACE32 system includes a 1 year software and
a 3 years hardware warranty. The customer will get within this
period free software updates and a free repair of TRACE32 hardware.
TRACE32 Software Warranty
Each TRACE32 software includes 1 year of free software maintenance.
Software Maintenance
Software maintenance can be renewed at any time by a software
maintenance contract. Such a contract is licensed to one TRACE32
system respectively one SCU32 and valid for one year. The price is
independent of the configuration of the TRACE32 system and determined
by the current TRACE32 price-list.
Discontinuity Fee
If software maintenance shall be renewed after software warranty
or a software maintenance contract has expired, an additional
discontinuity fee for each year or part of a year without software
maintenance has to be charged. The fee is determined by the current
TRACE32 price-list.
Fixing Software Bugs
If a software bug is reported by a customer with a valid software
maintenance contract or during the software warranty, Lauterbach
will fix the bug in a reasonable time or propose how to evade the
Software Updates
Free software updates are made available on request of the customers,
if a valid software maintenance contract exists. On two fixed days
during the year, the customer will receive automatically a free
software update.
Updates of the manual because of substantial changes have to be
purchased and are not included in the maintenance.
Free updates on the on-line help (same content as the manuals) are
available at any time, if a valid software contract exists.
Software Warranty
TRACE32 Hardware Warranty
Hardware Warranty
Each TRACE32 system includes 3 years of free hardware maintenance.
Fixing Hardware Bugs
If a hardware bug is reported by a customer for a TRACE32 system
with a valid hardware maintenance during the hardware
warranty, Lauterbach will fix the bug in a reasonable time or
propose how to evade the problem.
Repair of damaged Hardware
Free repair of TRACE32 hardware is provided, if the hardware warranty has not yet expired and the hardware was not damaged because a fault of the customer.
Free repair of TRACE32 hardware includes free parts and labor
and the costs for the return shipment from Lauterbach to the customer.
Hardware maintenance does not cover parts damaged due to normal
wear and tear.
Hardware Warranty
TRACE32 Technical Support
Lifetime Technical Support
Technical phone support is currently free for the typical lifetime of the tools.